Recent developments in in-situ monitoring and process control in Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D-printing, allows the collection of large amounts of emission data during the build process of the parts being manufactured. This data can be used as input into 3D and 2D representations of the 3D-printed parts. However the analysis and use, as well as the characterization of this data still remains a manual process. The aim of this paper is to propose an adaptive human-in-the-loop approach using Machine Learning techniques that automatically inspect and annotate the emissions data generated during the AM process. More specifically, this paper will look at two scenarios: firstly, using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to automatically inspect and classify emission data collected by in-situ monitoring and secondly, applying Active Learning techniques to the developed classification model to construct a human-in-the-loop mechanism in order to accelerate the labeling process of the emission data. The CNN-based approach relies on transfer learning and fine-tuning, which makes the approach applicable to other industrial image patterns. The adaptive nature of the approach is enabled by uncertainty sampling strategy to automatic selection of samples to be presented to human experts for annotation.
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The ability to capture detailed interactions among individuals in a social group is foundational to our study of animal behavior and neuroscience. Recent advances in deep learning and computer vision are driving rapid progress in methods that can record the actions and interactions of multiple individuals simultaneously. Many social species, such as birds, however, live deeply embedded in a three-dimensional world. This world introduces additional perceptual challenges such as occlusions, orientation-dependent appearance, large variation in apparent size, and poor sensor coverage for 3D reconstruction, that are not encountered by applications studying animals that move and interact only on 2D planes. Here we introduce a system for studying the behavioral dynamics of a group of songbirds as they move throughout a 3D aviary. We study the complexities that arise when tracking a group of closely interacting animals in three dimensions and introduce a novel dataset for evaluating multi-view trackers. Finally, we analyze captured ethogram data and demonstrate that social context affects the distribution of sequential interactions between birds in the aviary.
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Health sensing for chronic disease management creates immense benefits for social welfare. Existing health sensing studies primarily focus on the prediction of physical chronic diseases. Depression, a widespread complication of chronic diseases, is however understudied. We draw on the medical literature to support depression prediction using motion sensor data. To connect human expertise in the decision-making, safeguard trust for this high-stake prediction, and ensure algorithm transparency, we develop an interpretable deep learning model: Temporal Prototype Network (TempPNet). TempPNet is built upon the emergent prototype learning models. To accommodate the temporal characteristic of sensor data and the progressive property of depression, TempPNet differs from existing prototype learning models in its capability of capturing the temporal progression of depression. Extensive empirical analyses using real-world motion sensor data show that TempPNet outperforms state-of-the-art benchmarks in depression prediction. Moreover, TempPNet interprets its predictions by visualizing the temporal progression of depression and its corresponding symptoms detected from sensor data. We further conduct a user study to demonstrate its superiority over the benchmarks in interpretability. This study offers an algorithmic solution for impactful social good - collaborative care of chronic diseases and depression in health sensing. Methodologically, it contributes to extant literature with a novel interpretable deep learning model for depression prediction from sensor data. Patients, doctors, and caregivers can deploy our model on mobile devices to monitor patients' depression risks in real-time. Our model's interpretability also allows human experts to participate in the decision-making by reviewing the interpretation of prediction outcomes and making informed interventions.
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空间红外的小型船舶检测旨在将小型船只与轨道轨道捕获的图像分开。由于图像覆盖面积极大(例如,数千平方公里),这些图像中的候选目标比空中基于天线和陆基成像设备观察到的目标要小得多,二聚体,更可变。现有的简短成像基于距离的红外数据集和目标检测方法不能很好地用于空间监视任务。为了解决这些问题,我们开发了一个空间红外的小型船舶检测数据集(即Nudt-Sirst-Sea),该数据集具有48个空间基红外图像和17598像素级的小型船上注释。每个图像覆盖约10000平方公里的面积,带有10000x10000像素。考虑到这些充满挑战的场景,考虑到这些微小的船只的极端特征(例如,小,昏暗,可变的),我们在本文中提出了多层Transunet(MTU-NET)。具体而言,我们设计了视觉变压器(VIT)卷积神经网络(CNN)混合编码器来提取多层次特征。首先将局部特征图用几个卷积层提取,然后馈入多级特征提取模块(MVTM)以捕获长距离依赖性。我们进一步提出了一种拷贝性衡量量 - 帕斯特(CRRP)数据增强方法,以加速训练阶段,从而有效地减轻了目标和背景之间样本不平衡问题的问题。此外,我们设计了一个焦点损失,以实现目标定位和形状描述。 NUDT-SIRST-SEA数据集的实验结果表明,就检测概率,错误警报率和联合交集的交集而言,我们的MTU-NET优于传统和现有的基于深度学习的SIRST方法。
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客户寿命价值(LTV)是单个用户可以带给企业的预期总收入。它被广泛用于各种业务方案,以在获取新客户时做出运营决策。由于其复杂且可变的数据分布,建模LTV是一个具有挑战性的问题。现有方法要么直接从后验特征分布中学习,要么利用统计模型,这些模型对先前的分布做出了强有力的假设,这两者都无法捕获这些可变分布。在本文中,我们提出了一套完整的工业级LTV建模解决方案。具体而言,我们引入了一个订单依赖性单调网络(ODMN),该网络对不同时间跨度LTV之间的有序依赖关系进行建模,从而极大地改善了模型性能。我们进一步介绍了基于分裂和混合想法的多分销多专家(MDME)模块,该模块将严重不平衡的分布建模问题转换为一系列相对平衡的亚分布建模问题,因此大大降低了建模的复杂性。此外,引入了新的评估度量互助Gini,以更好地测量基于洛伦兹曲线的估计值和地面真相标签之间的分布差。 ODMN框架已成功部署在Kuaishou的许多业务场景中,并取得了出色的性能。对实际工业数据的广泛实验表明,与包括ZILN和两阶段XGBoost模型在内的最新基线相比,所提出的方法的优越性。
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在本文中,我们介绍了2022年多模式情感分析挑战(MUSE)的解决方案,其中包括Muse-Humor,Muse-Rection和Muse Surns Sub-Challenges。 2022年穆斯穆斯(Muse 2022)着重于幽默检测,情绪反应和多模式的情感压力,利用不同的方式和数据集。在我们的工作中,提取了不同种类的多模式特征,包括声学,视觉,文本和生物学特征。这些功能由Temma和Gru融合到自发机制框架中。在本文中,1)提取了一些新的音频功能,面部表达功能和段落级文本嵌入以进行准确的改进。 2)我们通过挖掘和融合多模式特征来显着提高多模式情感预测的准确性和可靠性。 3)在模型培训中应用有效的数据增强策略,以减轻样本不平衡问题并防止模型形成学习有偏见的主题字符。对于博物馆的子挑战,我们的模型获得了0.8932的AUC分数。对于Muse Rection子挑战,我们在测试集上的Pearson相关系数为0.3879,它的表现优于所有其他参与者。对于Muse Surst Sub-Challenge,我们的方法在测试数据集上的唤醒和价值都优于基线,达到了0.5151的最终综合结果。
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本文提出了一种新型的元元素算法,白鹭群优化算法(ESOA),其灵感来自两种乌格莱特物种(伟大的乌鸦和雪绿色的艾格莱特)狩猎行为。ESOA由三个主要组成部分组成:静坐战略,积极的策略以及判别条件。将ESOA在36个基准函数以及2个工程问题上的性能与粒子群优化(PSO),遗传算法(GA),差分进化(DE),灰狼优化器(GWO)和Harris Hawks优化(HHO)进行了比较。。结果证明了ESOA的卓越有效性和鲁棒性。可以从中检索此工作中使用的源代码;。
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尽管预训练的语言模型(LMS)在许多NLP任务中都取得了重大改进,但人们越来越关注探索LMS的能力并解释其预测。但是,现有作品通常仅着眼于某些下游任务的特定功能。缺乏直接评估蒙版单词预测性能和预训练LMS的解释性的数据集。为了填补空白,我们提出了一个新颖的评估基准,以提供英语和中文注释的数据。它在多个维度(即语法,语义,知识,推理和计算)中测试LMS能力。此外,它提供了满足足够和紧凑性的仔细注释的令牌级别的理由。它包含每个原始实例的扰动实例,以便将扰动下的基本原理一致性用作忠实的指标,即解释性的观点。我们在几个广泛使用的预训练的LMS上进行实验。结果表明,他们在知识和计算的维度上表现较差。而且它们在所有维度上的合理性远非令人满意,尤其是当理由缩短时。此外,我们评估的预训练的LMS在语法感知数据上并不强大。我们将以\ url {http:// xyz}发布此评估基准,并希望它可以促进预训练的LMS的研究进度。
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